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Terms & Conditions

Don’t speak legal? Don’t worry.

Here’s what you need to know in a nutshell:

We build the world’s most reliable PCBs, right here in the United States.

Sierra Circuits has advanced PCB industry standards since 1986. Our engineers can fabricate complex technology that the others won’t even try.

We’ll replace your board if there are any defects.

Beat competitors to the market. Reduce Re-spins with our Zero-Defect Guarantee.

We’re here for you every step of the way.

Most problems that users encounter can be resolved quickly and to satisfaction by contacting us at

More Questions?

We’ve got answers for non-legal inquiries on our FAQs
page. Or, learn more about our PCB Manufacturing process.

View Fab & Assembly Services



  • All orders are FOB Sierra Circuits Sunnyvale/San Jose, California, USA unless otherwise specified within the Quote. For deliveries outside USA, all Duties and Customs are the responsibility of the customer, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
  • Prices are quoted in US Dollars; Taxes and Shipping Charges are extra as applicable.
  • Quotes are only valid for 30 days unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by our representatives.
  • Payment terms are typically mentioned at the top of Quote document.
  • Prices shown on our Quote document are based on information provided by customer’s Gerber files and associated instructional documents at date of quotation/order. To facilitate quick-turns, customers sometime request us to release orders with a pending PO. Any changes requested to PCB manufacture/assembly processes after placing order, or any new details that emerge in a pending PO, may result in additional charges.
  • The turn time shown on Quote is in business days. Weekends and business holidays are excluded in any turn time calculations. Additional turn days may be added to orders that are placed “On Hold,” waiting for customer response for resolution of missing information or discrepancies. See On Hold section below for details.
  • Limited Warranty. No subsequent or consequential liability accepted. (See details)
  • Attention California Residents: CCPA Compliance 2020

IMPORTANT MUST READ BEFORE SENDING US ANY FILES: Regarding Critical Program Info/ Anti Tamper Provisions etc.

  • The Customer understands and acknowledges that non-U.S. persons will have access to the technical data subject in any files that are part of a request for quotation, quotation, order, change order, or purchase order and represents that the Customer reviewed the technical data and it does not contain any Critical Program Information (“CPI”) within the meaning of Department of Defense (“DoD”) Instruction 5200.39 or require Anti-Tamper (“AT”) protections within the meaning of DoD Directive 5200.47E. If any of the technical data references or otherwise identifies U.S. Government systems or programs, the Customer will remove the references and/or identifiers or will clearly mark the technical data in a conspicuous place. For the avoidance of doubt, CPI is defined as U.S. capability elements that contribute to the warfighters’ technical advantage, which if compromised, undermines U.S. military preeminence. U.S. capability elements may include, but are not limited to, software algorithms and specific hardware residing on the system, its training equipment, or maintenance support equipment, and AT is defined as systems engineering activities intended to prevent or delay exploitation of CPI in U.S. defense systems in domestic and export configurations to impede countermeasure development, unintended technology transfer, or alteration of a system due to reverse engineering.
  • The Customer further understands and acknowledges that the Customer must provide the correct United States Munitions List (“USML”) category of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 C.F.R. § 120) and/or Export Control Classification Number (“ECCN”) under the Commerce Control List of the Export Administration Regulations (15 C.F.R. § 774, Supp. No. 1), for the technical data sent and indicate whether the technical data was self-classified or classified by an agency determination. These indications must be clearly present on the Fabrication Drawing and the Assembly Drawing documents.
  • Customer acknowledges that if USML category and ECCN are not clearly and unambiguously specified in their design documents, Sierra Circuits can only try to classify the documents on a “best effort” basis. Under such circumstances, Sierra Circuits will not be liable for any misclassification of USML category or ECCN.



  • If IPC Netlist is not provided in 356 format, Sierra Circuits will create a “netlist” from the incoming customer Gerber files to generate an electrical test program. In such cases, Sierra Circuits cannot guarantee, nor can it be liable for the electrical performance of the boards, since the test program itself is derived from the files submitted.
  • If you send us your design files in multiple formats (say, Gerbers and ODB++) it is your responsibility to ensure that the design in both formats is the same. We reserve the right to use any of the formats sent to us and will not cross-check between formats for consistency.
  • If you are ordering our “Web PCBs” or “Turnkey PRO” product, the selection you made online, and the product you chose online, takes priority over your fab drawing or readme notes. Example: Say you chose material FR4 online and your fab drawing calls for Rogers material, we will simply process your order using FR4 material. The price quoted online is based on the specifications and product you chose online.
  • You acknowledge that a certain level of manufacturing variability is inherent in the PCB manufacturing process. As such, you agree that when an array of individual boards are manufactured, a maximum of 20% may be X-out and the array will still be considered okay by Sierra Circuits. The specific circuit boards that are X-out will, of course, not count towards the final count, but the rest of boards on array will be considered acceptable.
  • Manufacturing Optimizations: As with most other PCB manufacturers, we may make simple optimizations to your design to ensure boards are manufactured correctly. Such changes do not affect the electrical functionality of your design. These may include:
    • Teardrops may be added to pad/trace interfaces to ensure better connectivity.
    • Slivers less than .005″ may be filled in to prevent resist slivers on the panels.
    • Soldermask dams that are less than .004″ wide between SMD pads which have a .003″ minimum clearance may be gang relieved.
    • Silkscreen may be clipped to ensure it does not get on top of pads/copper features.
    • Non-functional pads may be removed from inner layers.



  • Quote is based on RFQ Data provided at the time of this quote and is subject to change if data has changed at the time of order. At the time of quoting, we may not perform a full DFA and DFM analysis nor do we identify all the issues. Consequently, manufacturability and assembly issues may be found in your design data after we start working on your order.  For turnkey quotes, the availability of components varies every day; and we do not guarantee that all the components will be readily available at the time of order without any lead-time issues.
  • For orders that span over 90 days, say, due to multiple lots and multiple builds or if delayed to job on hold, it is possible that material/component prices change over time since the original quote. In such cases, we reserve the right to update the quote.
  • First Article (FA) requests at time of quote:
    • For turnkey or consigned assembly quotes that require a First Article (FA), we will include a separate line item for the FA in the quote.
    • For turnkey orders, Sierra Circuits will only purchase components sufficient for the FA, unless customer agrees to pre-pay for components required for both FA and Production orders to save component costs.
  • FA requests after order has been placed:
    • For consigned and turnkey orders, Sierra Circuits will re-quote and show separate quotes for FA and Production.
    • Sierra Circuits will invoice customer for all FA as per quote, and invoice will include all bare boards made (including boards that are not used for the FA)
    • Sierra Circuits will invoice customer for all components purchased prior to FA request at the time bare boards are shipped.
  • Requests to split the original order into multiple builds will be priced as per quoting guidelines.
  • Traceability of components: All our components are bought from approved and reputed vendors (like Digikey, Mouser, etc). We provide traceability reports for custom orders, as long as that requirement was stated clearly at quoting (RFQ) stage. For orders placed online using Web PCB, Turnkey PRO, or KiCAD add-on services, we do not provide any traceability reports.
  • Restrictions on Consigned components: Sierra Circuits prefers to buy the components for assembly from our approved vendors for better efficiency and counterfeit-prevention. If customers do have to consign components, we expect them to consign us only hard-to-find parts or their custom parts. Specifically, we do not allow consigning of SMD resistors and capacitors unless these passives are not available in the open market.
  • Customer Consigned Inventory (CCI) form quantity is shortage plus attrition, so the customer should not be expecting parts back. PLEASE DO NOT send more than requested quantity on CCI form, unused attrition will be scrapped. If customer request to return unused attrition there will be a charge of $300.


  • Payments for all invoices will be as per terms mentioned in Quotes and Invoices. Customer shall not withhold payment against invoices already raised for any reason whatsoever, like unsatisfactory workmanship, pending rework or non-functioning boards or for any other reason. (For mitigation of these reasons, see Warranty and Limited Liability Clauses below).
  • All shipments are FOB Sierra Circuits Sunnyvale / San Jose.
  • Invoices must be paid in full. No deduction is allowed except based on a credit memo from Sierra Circuits.

Components Invoicing

    • High value component orders: If components order is more than $10,000, we reserve the right to not start procurement without advance payment for the components.
    • Any changes after an order has been placed is considered as a Change Order (or ECO) and Sierra Circuits will calculate the costs and invoice accordingly. In some instances, an ECO may require invoices to be payable immediately.
    • The customer is responsible for Tariff charges and Duties for international trade. Tariff and Duties charges might not be covered during the quote and might be applied after the quote is won, and the customer is entirely in agreement to pay the balance due to such a price change.
  • Handling charges for consigned components: Every consigned line item will incur handling fees, generally added to our assembly labor quote.
  • In case we ship your Assembly order in partial shipments, please note that all components and miscellaneous charges (for the whole lot) may be invoiced with the first partial shipment.

First Article (FA) Invoicing terms

  • For turnkey or consigned assembly orders that have a FA: At the time PCBs are shipped to assembly, customer will be invoiced in full for all bare boards (including boards that are remaining for the production order that is pending FA approval).
  • In all instances, should FA testing by the customer take longer than 20 days, Sierra Circuits will ship any components kept for remaining assemblies back to the customer and invoice accordingly. Customer may return the components later to continue with the remaining assemblies under a new work order number.


SPLIT-Shipments and Partial Shipments

  • Partial Shipments: Sierra Circuits may make partial shipments for your order. You order will be considered shipped on-time if at least 90% of assemblies are shipped by the due date.

Order Completeness

  • Order Completeness: Orders may be considered complete if the quantity shipped is within +/- 5% of the original quantity. Sierra Circuits will invoice customer only for the boards shipped.
  • PO format: If in your quote, the components cost more than $10,000, your PO must have a separate line item for the components so Sierra Circuits can invoice you for components as soon as we purchase them for assembly.
  • If you are paying for the order using a credit card, then by providing us a credit card number, you are also authorizing us to charge the card as per our policies.
  • Sierra Circuits accepts only credit cards for online orders and will charge instantly during the order creation unless the order is above $5000 and customer has Credit Terms. If the payment is declined, the order will be placed on on-hold until finalized.
  • Please note that any credit card charges for shipment at the time of order may be estimates only. We reserve the right to charge your credit card again for any actual difference in shipment cost when the order ships.


  • All international shipments require a customer shipping account number. Please call for any special needs.
  • If consigned items being sent to Sierra Circuits from outside USA, please note the following:
    • Customer/shipper is responsible for all customs & duties and must claim this when they fill out freight waybill. When filling out waybill there is option to check shipper as being responsible for customs/duty. Please ensure that is checked so that the shipper is responsible, not Sierra Circuits.
    • If for any reason, Sierra Circuits does end up receiving a bill for customs and duty, Sierra will add these charges to customer invoice and add a minimum $150 administrative/handling fee on top.
  • Sierra Circuits, Inc. reserves the right to send customers progress invoices for components being procured for the duration of the manufacturing process and will be due payment as per terms stated on the invoices.
  • For any high value components orders as indicated during quote process, prepayment may be required at time of placing orders, and before the order can be released for component procurement.


Order On-hold and Order Cancellation

In general, for any order put on hold by the customer for more than 20 days, Sierra Circuits reserves the right to progress bill for the work done and materials procured. Such invoices are due upon receipt.
If the order is On Hold for more than 100 days, Sierra will consider the order to be cancelled and will follow our cancellation protocol. (see below)

On Hold due to Component Shortages or Delays in Customer Consigned Items

If after 45 days from your Sales Order confirmation, we cannot fulfil your order due to any of these reasons

  • a) You have still not sent us parts that were supposed to consign to us
  • b) Some of the components we are trying to procure for you have a very long lead time

then we reserve the right to:

    • Progress Bill/ Invoice you for the PCBs we have already fabricated and/or assembled and any components already procured.
  • If, for any reason, an assembly order (be it consigned or turnkey) is put on hold after PCBs are made, and the hold is more than 20 days, Sierra Circuits reserves the right to invoice customers for all the PCBs fabricated and any components purchased for that order.
  • If, for any reason, a PCB fabrication order is put on hold, and the hold is more than 20 days, Sierra Circuits reserves the right to invoice customers for any partial work done.

Order Cancellation

In general, for any order cancelled by the customer, the customer is liable for cancellation charges as calculated by Sierra Circuits. Sierra Circuits will invoice for all work done and any materials procured. Invoice is due upon receipt.

ORDER related terms and conditions

  • Turn Time: Assembly Turn Time will start when the kit is complete AND all assembly data related issues are resolved.
  • Order Acceptance is not guaranteed until your account is found in good standing.
  • Completeness of Assembly data: It is customer’s responsibility to provide complete and correct assembly data, BOM in excel spreadsheet, Assembly Gerbers, assembly drawings, Special instructions if any, and XY Pick and Place Data for SMT parts. If a customer is unable to provide correct XY Data, additional charges will apply.
  • Discrepancy in data: Customer is responsible for providing data that is consistent and has no discrepancy in information. Sierra Circuits tries to identify any discrepancies in customer data but will not be responsible if some discrepancy is not caught. Any issues caused due to such discrepancy in customer data is solely the customer’s responsibility.
  • Refer to our kitting guidelines for PCB assembly for more details.

SPECIAL NOTE 1: Substituting un-available passive components:

For orders that are both not ITAR and not controlled by EAR: In case of non-availability of specific passive components in your BOM, Sierra Circuits will use a direct replacement (Form, Fit, and Function Alternate) which either matches or is better on tolerance & other specifications. This is a common practice in the Assembly industry, and for all online orders we simply substitute the unavailable passives if needed.
For custom orders only: If you do not want such substitutions of passive components to be made without approval, you must explicitly say so in the header section of your BOM and on your PO. Furthermore, you must inform your salesperson at the time of placing your custom order that you want to approve every substitution.

For ITAR or EAR Controlled orders (whether online or custom): We will ALWAYS get customer approval before making ANY component substitutions.

SPECIAL NOTE 2: Our DFM & DFA process and your obligations as a customer

Once your order is received, it may go through a quick Design for Manufacturing (DFM) and Design for Assembly (DFA) analysis, to prevent any holds during manufacturing and assembly. If we find any issues, these must be resolved promptly. We may use our Customer Portal to interact with you on such issues and/or we will contact you by phone/email as needed.

We cannot start manufacturing/assembly if such issues are unresolved. An unreasonable delay in resolving issues may push out your delivery date accordingly.

(Note: We only do a DFA on orders that include our Assembly services. An example of a DFA issue: The landing pads on your board don’t match the footprint for component C12.)

SPECIAL NOTE 3: Your responsibility to help ensure delivery dates are not changed

When you place your order our engineering team will start working on it (mostly DFA/DFM checks) and identify any discrepancies or missing information and will contact you by email/phone, likely using your 24 hour contact number. For many orders, such issues will also be posted on your Customer Portal for you to respond to online.

To ensure on time completion of your order, you must respond to such communication promptly, so that the delivery date is not affected.

  • If your order is for a very fast turn (1 or 2 day turn time) and your responses are delayed by more than 1 hour, it might lead to a change in the delivery date.
  • If your order is for 3 days or more and your responses are delayed by more than 3 hours, it might lead to a change in the delivery date.


This limited warranty is governed by the laws of the State of California

Limited Warranty Summary

  • Sale subject to limited warranty of 90 days after product is shipped.
  • If customer has ordered bare boards, the warranty extends only to bare PCBs and does not apply after components are added by others. Our liability shall not exceed price paid for the ordered PCBs. See details below.
  • If customer has ordered assembled boards, then we will also warranty extends to the Assembly Labor workmanship also. Our liability shall not exceed price paid for the ordered PCBs including applicable Assembly labor and components. See details below.

Limited Warranty Details

Sierra Circuits warrants its bare boards against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 90 days from date of shipment (“Warranty Period”). If a defect arises and a valid claim is received within the warranty period, Sierra Circuits will, at its option and to the extent permitted by law, for any bare boards that are returned and confirmed by Sierra Circuits to be non-conforming to the order specifications and/or the applicable quality and acceptability standards, either (I) replace the bare board at no charge or (II) issue a credit equal to the original purchase price of the bare board. When a product is exchanged, any replacement item becomes the customer’s property, and the replaced item becomes Sierra Circuits’ property. When a refund is given, the product for which the refund is provided must be returned to Sierra Circuits and becomes Sierra Circuits’ property. Sierra Circuits will not accept liability for any cost in addition to the value of the bare boards including but not limited to components, labor, business interruptions and any other consequential damages or losses. Sierra Circuits disclaims any open-ended acceptance of liability for losses beyond its control.

If Sierra Circuits assembled the PCB then we will include the cost of any components Sierra Circuits supplied and all labor that Sierra Circuits supplied with regard to replacing the assemblies or issuing a credit. All other limitations will still apply. Also see Assembly Warranty section below.

This limited warranty does not apply to:

  • To damage caused by use with non-Sierra Circuits products
  • To damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, flood, fire, earthquake or other external causes
  • To damage caused by use of the product outside the permitted or intended uses described in the order specifications
  • To damage caused by service (including upgrades and expansions) performed by anyone who is not a representative of Sierra Circuits
  • To a product or part that has been modified to alter functionality or capability without the written permission of Sierra Circuits or
  • To cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches or dents, that does not otherwise affect the product’s functionality or materially impair it’s use.
  • Assembly workmanship: All assembly workmanship will be as per IPC-A-610 unless otherwise directed in writing. All soldering will be using standard Tin/Lead solder in case of standard solder process assembly OR ROHS compliant solder in case of ROHS assembly and water soluble OA flux unless otherwise directed in writing.
  • ASSEMBLY WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY: We warrant each assembly for workmanship up to 90 days after shipment. In case of any unsatisfactory assembly workmanship, we will repair the assembly free of charge OR credit the quoted cost of the assembly labor at our sole discretion. Any modifications to the assemblies by customer will nullify our warranties.
  • This warranty is also nullified on products which have been subject to misuse (including static discharge), neglect, accident or which have been altered by you and are not capable of being tested.
  • Sierra Circuits is not responsible for any damage or lack of functionality caused by defective design, components or PCBs provided by you or because of deficiencies in the electronic materials provided by you.
  • LIMITED LIABILITY-I: We are not liable for rework, repair or replacement for any faulty components supplied to us by customer or purchased by us from vendors in accordance with customer supplied BOMs.
  •   LIMITED LIABILITY-II: We are neither responsible nor liable for assembled boards found non-functioning during testing by customer; we are only responsible for assembly workmanship performed as per customer supplied data.
  • LIMITED LIABILITY-III: In no case shall our liability exceed the price charged to you for the job performed by us. We are not liable for any assemblies beyond 90 days after shipment.
  • NO OTHER WARRANTY: We give no other warranty; either expressed or implied, and we specifically disclaim all other warranties, including warranties for merchantability and fitness.

To the extent permitted by law, this warranty and remedies set forth above are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, remedies, and conditions, whether oral or written, statutory, express or implied. As permitted by applicable law, Sierra Circuits specifically disclaims any and all statutory or implied warranties, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and warranties against hidden or latent defects. If any term of this warranty is held to be illegal or unenforceable, the legality or enforceability of the remaining terms shall not be affected or impaired. Except as provided in this warranty and to the extent permitted by law, Sierra Circuits is not responsible for direct, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any breach of warranty or condition, or under any other legal theory, including but not limited to loss of use; loss of revenue, loss of actual or anticipated profits (including loss of profits on contracts); loss of the use of money; loss of anticipated savings; loss of business; loss of opportunity; loss of goodwill; loss of reputation; loss of damage to or corruption of data; or any indirect or consequential loss or damage howsoever caused including the replacement of equipment and property, any costs of recovering, programming or reproducing any program or data stored or used with Sierra Circuits products. Sierra Circuits disclaims any representation that it will be able to make a product exchange without risk to or loss of programs or data. You must assist in diagnosing issues with your bare board and follow Sierra Circuits warranty processes.

While we cannot make any promises regarding what we might agree to in the future we are committed to do whatever is reasonable to make right any problems we may have created for our customers.


Online orders are those “products” that have been quoted and ordered online by the customer. We typically have brand names for such online productized offerings, such as, Web PCB, Turnkey Pro, or No Touch.

Any PCBs manufactured under online service will follow their respective service guidelines/restrictions as defined on their product pages online. Any other spec mentioned in your files will be disregarded.

The customer must declare if their design is ITAR / EAR Controlled. Sierra Circuits is not accountable for any violation in case the customer missed mentioning it upfront. Additionally, customers should never send us any Critical Program Information or US Government program info on any online instant quote and orders services like Web PCB, Turnkey PRO or No Touch. Please see additional details about CPI and Anti Tamper provisions in the relevant section in our Terms and Conditions page. Files containing such information should only be processed by your US-based Sierra Circuits salesperson through proper off-line channels.

Furthermore, ITAR / EAR Controlled orders are not allowed in the Turnkey PRO web-based service; customers should be aware that for Turnkey PRO orders, we may use our fully owned offshore engineering center, using non-US persons, to engineer your boards for manufacturing & assembly. All manufacturing and assembly is done in USA in our Silicon Valley, California locations.

If you are ordering using these services, where applicable, the selection you make online takes priority over what you indicate in your fab drawing or readme notes.

Example: Say, for your PCB quote, you choose material FR4 online and place an order. Now, suppose your fabrication drawing calls for Rogers material, we are within our rights to then simply process your order using FR4 material, because that is what was indicated online and that is what your online quote and service specs were based on.

Our online assembly labor pricing applies to services that fall within our standard assembly processes.

Furthermore, our online services do not include the following:

  • First Article
  • Fabrication of Flex or Rigid-Flex boards.
  • Assembly of Flex or Rigid-Flex boards.
  • Assembly of special items like PEM nuts, Turrets Terminals, Rivets, and Press-Fit connectors.
  • Special assembly processes like: Wire-Bonding, Conformal Coating, Underfills, Staking, POP assembly, wires & cables assembly.
  • Assembly Rework like cutting traces, soldering wire jumpers & cables onto the boards.

When you place an online order and we notice such special items or services, we will typically put your order on hold and quickly provide you with an additional quote. We will require your approval of the extra cost for such services before proceeding with your order.


  • If your boards have via-in-pad features on component pads, we put the PCBs through a process of via-filling to ensure good solderability. This is the best practice for board fabrication (regardless of which company assembles the boards.) We specifically ask in the online system if your design has via-in-pad features on component pads; if so, the online system quotes it appropriately. If you indicate No for via-in-pad in the online quote but during our DFM process we do find such features, please understand that this may add to your price and lead time. A customer service team member will contact you accordingly.
  • Minimum charge for components: If you are ordering components through our Web Assembly service or Turnkey PRO service, there is a minimum charge of $100 for components. This is to accommodate our fixed costs of procuring and auditing any component kit. Example, if your components kit gets quoted at total of $78, the system will still show you $100 as a minimum total charge for the components.
  • Boards fabricated under these online services are made to IPC-6012 Class 2 specifications. However, for any boards ordered online, we do not provide customers with IPC reports or Microsection coupons.
  • Although we only procure components from reputable vendors (Digikey, Mouser, etc), we do not provide component traceability reports for online orders like Web PCB and Turnkey PRO. If you need such a component level traceability report, please ask for a Custom Quote instead.
  • If you need IPC reports or Microsection coupons for your order, please do not use online quoting/ordering, ask for a Custom Quote instead.
  • We do not offer First Articles on Web PCB or Turnkey Pro. If you need any First Articles, please ask for a Custom Quote instead.
  • For the online services, the selection you made and the product you chose online take priority over your fab drawing or readme notes. Example: Say you chose material FR4 online, and your fab drawing calls for Rogers material. We will simply process your order using FR4 material. The price quoted online is based on the specifications and product you chose online.

SPECIAL NOTE about substituting un-available passive components in our SELF-SERVICE ONLINE offers: Web PCB/Assembly or Turnkey PRO

In case of non-availability of specific passive components (typically, resistors and capacitors) specified in your BOM, Sierra Circuits will use Direct Replacement (Form, Fit, and Function) Alternate which matches or is better on tolerance & other specifications. This is a common practice in the Assembly industry.


  • For No Touch PCB orders, our turn time commitment is made on a “best effort” basis. Please note that there may be (very rare) instances when we exceed our specified time in manufacturing a No Touch PCB order. In such cases, we will refund all or part of your shipping charges on the next order. In case there are any significant delays we will refund the corresponding turn time premium. For example, if a 2-day turn is delayed to 4 days, we will give you a refund of the premium we charged you for the 2-day turn over the 4-day price. Again, this policy is for No Touch online orders only!
  • In the No Touch process, our Auto File Verification program only does a quick automatic verification on specific features like traces/spaces, annular ring sizes, minimum hole sizes, hole density etc. to ensure they meet our No Touch specs. In other words, No Touch does not offer a 100% Design Rule Check and Electrical Testing; If you need that, you should use our Web PCB product online or our get a Custom Quote.
  • In the No Touch process, please do not upload any Milspec, Class 3, Military/Defense related, or ITAR designs. Customers are explicitly prohibited from loading such designs in No Touch processing. Please get a Custom Quote instead.


Our shipping charges shown online are for up to a 2 lb. package weight and for Assembly orders are for up to an 8 lb. package weight. If your PCB/Assembly shipment exceeds that weight we will charge appropriate additional shipping charges.

  • Please note that shipping options may vary depending on the carrier and the destination.


Same Warranty terms apply for Self-service Online orders as for regular orders.


  1. Prices are FOB Sunnyvale in US dollars; Taxes & Shipping Charges extra as applicable.
  2. Quotation is valid for 30 days.
  3. Quote is based on RFQ Data provided at the time of this Quote and is subject to change if Data has changed at the time of Order and/or during design execution.
  4. Payment terms are: 50% Advance along with order; rest on completion as per terms.
  5. Invoicing and payment Schedule shall be as follows:

Payments for all invoices will be as per terms mentioned in Quotes and Invoices. Customer shall not withhold Payment against invoices already raised for any reason whatsoever, like unsatisfactory work, or for any other reason. (for mitigation of these reasons, see Warranty Clauses at  the end of this document below).

  1. Schematics & other design data: It is the customer’s responsibility that for layout design jobs, customer must provide complete and correct data – schematics, BOM with manufacturer part numbers / part specs. PCB size, thickness & other mechanical information and / or drawings, Special instructions, if any, for placement of specific and critical parts (like connectors for example).
  • We prefer that the customer provide the schematics in ORCAD, DSN format, or some other CAD format mutually agreed upon. If the customer is unable to provide the schematics in an agreed CAD format, and only provides an schematic in PDF or a paper hard copy, there will be an additional charge for capturing the schematics into our CAD system; and the charges for such schematics capture will be determined by us, and mutually agreed upon, before starting the design work.
  • Customer should provide a BOM preferably in EXCEL spreadsheet format. The BOM should have manufacturer complete part numbers for all components (a must for all ICs, connectors, Semiconductor devices, and inductors etc.) except possibly for generic discrete resistors & capacitors where complete specs should be provided.  It is customer’s responsibility to make sure that all components used in the design are available and not obsolete. In case customer wants us to find alternate parts or do some degree of component engineering, we would do that at a suitable charge, to be determined by us, and agreed upon by customer.
  • Customer must provide other relevant design information like, preferred PCB size and thickness, preferred PCB material, PCB name and markings to be put in silkscreen and/or copper etch, mounting holes data and location, if any, type of PCB finish (HAL, ENIG, GOLD, Immersion Silver etc, and ROHS compatible or not),  solder mask color, silkscreen color, etc.
  • If there are any special routing rules or guides, customer must provide those at the time of RFQ, since these influence the design time and therefore the design cost.
  1. Design Data review:  On receipt of Purchase order, we will review all the customer design data files. It is expected that this data should not be different from the one that was quoted. If we find that that the changes in data at the time of PO are nontrivial and considerable, we reserve the right to REQUOTE the design as per new data. Similarly, ECOs or change requests received after the QUOTE or PO will be examined by us for their impact on cost and schedule; and the changes in Price and/or schedules will be conveyed to and agreed upon by customer by way suitable amendment/s to their PO on us.
  2. Delivery Time: The delivery time for the design is a best estimate and is subject to change. It does not include the time waiting for customer clarifications / approvals / reviews of in process work / queries / issues etc.
  3. Design Order Acceptance is not guaranteed until your account is found in good standing, and we have received the advance payment as per agreed terms.
  4. Order Cancellation will be subject to costs already incurred as described below:
    • Any advance received at the start of the design is non-refundable.
    • Customer shall pay for the time already spent on the design work. This shall be determined solely by us.
    • An order cancellation fee of $400 will be charged in addition to above as applicable.
    • All the work done so far shall be given to the customer after all payment is made.
  5. Design Start time:  After we have received the PO and advance payment as per terms of Quote, it may take 1 to 3 days for the design to start, this depends on the availability of design resources at the time of PO. Any delay in the start time shall be conveyed to the customer.
  6. Design Hold Time: Any design issue encountered during design that makes it impossible to continue the design or slows down the design process unless the issue is resolved by customer clarifications/inputs, will add extra time for the design completion than stipulated in the quote and/or PO. Its impact on cost will also be analyzed and handled in the manner described at para 7 above.
  7. Review of in process work: At regular intervals (daily or alternate days or biweekly or weekly – as per agreed with customer) or on the occurrence of certain milestones (like completion of placement, completion of routing etc.) the design work-in-progress will be sent to customer for review and feedback. It is expected that the customer should review the work and convey feedback as soon as possible, to avoid any significant increase in completion time.
  8. Complete Design Data: On Design completion, the Design Gerbers, and design pdfs, including PCB fabrication drawing & and PCB assembly (Solder paste layers & component placement XY data) will be sent to customer electronically via email or any other agreed media. Customer must convey the feedback for any changes in a maximum of 2 working days, otherwise, the design work will be deemed to have been completed and delivered.
  9. LIMITED LIABILITY – I: We are not liable for any unavailable or obsolete components chosen by the customer in their design data supplied to us. We are also not responsible for any errors in the schematics data supplied to us.
  10. LIMITED LIABILITY – II: We are neither responsible nor liable for any issues in boards that have been manufactured as per the design work done by us.
  11. INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENT: All international shipments require a customer shipping account number. Please call for any special needs.
  12. NO OTHER WARRANTY: We give no other warranty; either expressed or implied, and specifically disclaims all other warranties, including warranties for merchantability and fitness.
  13. PCB design support: Sierra Circuits offers PCB design support but does not own or design the PCB product design itself.

(T& C Rev 19.61)

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